Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gut Check.

6 months ago today I was told I had cancer. Today is a weird day, I don't feel the way I would have expected to feel even two weeks ago. I feel elated, grateful, emotional, healthy, and alive. I've come along way baby!

I certainly have near panic attacks when I recall the cancer-events of the past six months; needles, information overload, traveling back and forth and back and forth to Texas, tears upon tears, helplessness, anger, peace, painful surgeries and frustrating recoveries, elation over the no-chemo news and love.

I must admit that I am very angry that as I read about cancer, what causes it, and what can prevent it that no one told me more before! Why have we become a society that is so caught up in making money and racing here and there that we have turned our lifestyle into a killing machine?! and why do we have a health care industry that for the most part pretends that they don't know what causes all of these awful debilitating diseases?! We should all be smacked. It seems so, so sad to me that with all of the knowledge that exists on how to prevent cancer that more and more women are diagnosed all of the time.

Okay, enough of my tirade.

David is amazing. Simply amazing. It is very hard to express how grateful I am for his support, love, constantness (I know that's not a word but it works). I could not have done this without him.

So, what have I done the past six months while I was LIVING?

Explored Beautiful Beaches.

Sat on above beaches and worked on a sweater for David for Christmas!

Watched my babies balance on and jump off rocks.

Skipped stones.

Hit the wooden boat show with the fam.

Flew kites.

Built sand castles with the kids.

Watched the experts catch frogs!

Kayaked with my family.

Visited Mackinac Island.

Picked tons of blackberries. Deep, deep in the woods!

Took one last picture of my boy with both of those little front teeth. The tooth fairy has been busy!

Watched as my love rocked out with his baby girl.

It's been a busy, awesome 6 months!

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