Thursday, July 21, 2011

What's Up.

We are now more than 4 weeks post 2nd surgery and we are back on track! Yipee!

What have we been up to.... what don't I want to forget... why haven't I been taking any pictures?! Life has been so much fun, actually we may be bordering on too much fun (is that possible?!) since the kids are so exhausted. We have had late nights, trips up North, hours on the boat to stop at the sand bar and launch ourselves off the drop off only to continue the trip into Cedarville to grab pizza and icecream by the dock, tubing (first for Amelia who shreeked with glee and first time back for Mom!), evenings with wine on the porch with David (heavenly!), family date nights by bike to Bay Harbor to have dinner by the boats and stroll with ice cream, friends coming to visit, slow quiet moments snuggled with my babies and books (we may need to incorporate more of these), post-dinner trips to the beach on hot nights where everyone comes home sandy and dripping, Sunday brunches with new friends up in the Les Cheneaux, sailing classes for my dear boy, mid-day trips to jump off the dock down at the waterfront, sunset dinners at the Rose Garden with college roommates, dinner with my Higgins Lake girls, lots of kisses and hugs from the kids, Amelia riding her two wheeler, discovering Monarch caterpillars, chrysalis and butterflies on the Milkweed near the cabin with the kids and needing to back to watch their progress on several occasions, knitting a sweater for my love.... I am so blessed and grateful to be alive.

I could go on and on. I vow to take more pictures!

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