Today was a fantastic day. I spent this morning with Ben in his class. He is so sweet to me, a thoughtful listener and a good friend. When I arrived he ran up and gave me a huge hug, and promptly shared his muffin with me so that I could partake in snack time.
I am so proud of the work that he does at school and who he is becoming. One of my greatest pleasures is to work in Ben's classroom. I love to be with him and watch him interact and thrive.
We went to lunch after school - just the two of us. He sat taking in all of the scenery at the Pub and we had a delightful time. One of the best things about being on a date with Ben is getting to hold his hand. It is still so small but feels so firm and strong. I love that he still likes to hold my hand, I love to be with him.
Ben has been intrigued with knitting so on our way home we stopped at the craft store and he now has his own pair of needles and is working on a dishcloth to give to his teacher as an end of the year gift. He sat with me for a few moments but then wanted to concentrate on his own - he's so determined. He spent 45 minutes or so this afternoon working on his gift.
We then ran some errands and the kids were awesome. We had a great time and returned home in time to dig in the dirt. Both Ben and Amelia put on their gardening gloves and we planted lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli and the last of the flowers. They loved digging in the dirt.
When David got home I was going to go for a quick run before we had a family date night out for dinner. Ben asked if he could come and quickly dropped his shovel and came running. I hesitated and told him that I would be back in just a bit (why?!), he persisted and jumped on his bike and we had the best time! When I told him how much fun I was having he said "see mom, you always say no but I know better!". He was right! I need to continue to be vigulent and spend my time doing the things that matter most.
Ben is my secretively sensitive one. I'm afraid that all of this has been harder on both of my kids than they let on. Throughout our run Ben continued to compliment me on how well I was doing, getting stronger, running as fast as I used to. At the end he mentioned something about dying. I'm hoping it was a matter of speach... I told him that I had absolutely no intention of going anywhere. I love you way to much to go anywhere. I will be here to see you and your sister grow up. Damn it.
Amelia mentioned to my mom today that her Mommy and Daddy weren't going to leave again so she didn't think I would let her stay at She She's. I have to have surgery again in June so we'll be gone again....
When Ben and I got home from our run the four of us headed downtown for dinner. Ben rode his scooter and Amelia rode on Daddy's sholders. We went to Pallette for dinner and we had a ball! The kids were delightful, the food was amazing! We shared our "oranges". Ben's was our run, Amelia's was going out for dinner as a family. Amelia snuggled on my lap for part fo the time. I love my snuggle bugs. At the end we shared an amazing chocolate dessert and headed up the hill for home and bed. I got to kiss everyone to sleep. I'm so lucky. I wish I could bottle them and keep them safe forever.
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