Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wrapping up and looking forward.

As I've said a million times, this was the best summer of my life (thus far)! In our home, we are feeling slightly melancholy to see things ending and so have decided to work on the list of things we want to do this fall. Our notes show things like apple cider, football games, jumping in piles of leaves, fall walks in the woods, reading and knitting by the fire, sitting on the front porch with blankets, Halloween, carving pumpkings.... and when you look at it like that, we have a ton of fun ahead of us!

But.... before we get too far ahead of ourselves. I do want to remember a few things from the summer.
1) Ben can now kayak all by himself! He does a remarkably good job!
2) The kids came so far with their swimming this year. I have two fish!
3) We had so many wonderful adventures around the islands this summer. The kids will sit on the boat for hours exploring channels, hiking islands, swimming in the cool water and picnicking.
4) The fair.... not always my favorite place but I have to say that this year it had a new shine to it. Living where we do, we are thankfully not exposed to malls, amusement parks, etc. etc. so the fair held a special flair for the kids.

On a sad note, I have lost my beloved camera. I know exactly the last time I had it.... where I was, what I was wearing, what I was carrying, but I have not been able to find it. I'm afraid it is gone. I have realized how much I enjoyed using it to capture all of the little moments of our lives that just so quickly slip by but are what make it so rich and so mine. Hopefully we will come up with another alternative soon but for now we are getting by with David's phone.....

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